Faith and Family Since 1925


We, Beloved Disciple Parish, are called by our Baptism to worship God through liturgy and the sacraments, to serve others by ministering to the community, and to actively spread the Gospel.

  • Beloved Disciple Parish Mission Statement
  • 1310 S  St. Ext., Grove City, PA  16127     Phone:  (724) 748-6700

Find us on Facebook at or click on the facebook icon at the top of the page.

Beloved Disciple Parish

One Faith, One Family: The Diocese of Erie 2025 Catholic Services Appeal Commitment Weekend is March 1 and 2. "That they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you." John 17:21

Parish Evening Prayer: Join us 3 days a week for Evening Prayer. If you're not sure how to connect to this ON Line, please contact Deacon Owen in the Parish Office at ext. 110. Join other Parishioners as we pray together in this New and Holy Year.

Join Zoom Meetings on February 17th, 19th, and 20th at 7pm

Meeting ID: 865 3319 3166     Passcode: 587569


Book Club Update:  Our next book is "Never Lie" by Freida McFadden.  Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 19 at 11am in the Library.  Any questions or concerns please contact Deacon Owen in the Parish Office ext. 110.  As a reminder: We read popular books and apply our Catholic Faith to that reading as a way to inform our conscience.  Please join us.


Parish Social: February's parish socials will be held February 22 and 23 after Mass. Please join us. You are always welcome to donate an item to add to our table. Appetizers and desserts are always welcome. Have a special recipe you would love to share….. yummy food is always welcome.  
February Menu…… baked pasta, sausage and meatballs  
March Menu….. pasta with breadcrumbs (St. Joseph) and other Italian/Irish foods.  
Mark your calendar for our March Social on the 15th and 16th. We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and the Feast of St. Joseph.  Please contact Victoria Wagner. 


Transform Spaces, Touch Hearts!  If you've got a passion for bringing beauty and creativity into our church, join our vibrant Liturgical decor group! Contact Lisa at the church office, 724-748-6700, ext. 115 to be part of our colorful journey in 2025, the Year of Grace! Not only is it a wonderful way to get involved and contribute to the church environment, but it's also an opportunity to express your creativity and devotion, enhancing the worship experience for everyone. Lisa will be thrilled to add you to the group and provide you with a schedule of upcoming dates. Are you ready to make a difference and leave your mark? Being part of this group can be a fulfilling and meaningful experience. So, what do you think? Are you considering joining? 

We will be transforming our space for Lent on Tuesday, March 4 at 7:00pm. Also, any palms that need to be burned can be brought and placed in the basket by the drinking fountain.


"But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail, and when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." Luke 22:32

8:30am - 1pm event at St. Jude Parish, Erie, PA and at local parishes in NE PA and NW Ohio. Our conference will be held live at St. Jude Parish in Erie and will also be livestreamed out to parishes in the Erie Diocese and others in surrounding areas. Our website has a list of those parishes. Inspiring national speakers include Father Larry Richards, Dan Dematte, and Jeff Joaquin. For more details and to register: and

$25 - Adult      $15 - first-time Adult     $20 - group of 8 or more     Free - college or high school students

Maintenace Person: Beloved Disciple Church is seeking a part time maintenance person to perform various maintenance duties and responsibilities in and around the Parish buildings and grounds.. Those interested can get an application and job description in the Parish Office during normal working hours Monday through Thursday. Phone inquiries are discouraged.

Lenten Friday Fish Fries

Sponsored by Grove City Knights of Columbus – Council #3658 
Knights of Columbus Hall – 1342 S. Center St. Ext. (Route 208) Grove City, PA                                     
Fridays During Lent from 4:00pm to 6:30pm 
March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11, 18  (We are serving on Good Friday!)         
All You Can Eat Fried Fish or One Piece of Baked Fish 
Meal includes: Mac and Cheese or Herbed New Potatoes, Green Beans, Apple Sauce, Salad or Coleslaw, Bread and Butter, Dessert and Beverage 
Adult: $13, Child (5-10): $6, Under 5: Free (Cash or Check Only)  
Eat In or Take Out

Please pray for our deceased parishioners

  • Edith M. Bell, born November 22, 1923, died January 31, 2025
  • James Snyder, born April 23, 1942, died January 21, 2025
  • Helen M. Driscoll Freeman, born December 4, 1932, died November 7, 2024
  • Helena M. Valenza, born July 30, 1933, died October 26, 2024
  • Frank L. Lapa, born February 2, 1948, died August 2, 2024

Office Hours

Our parish offices are open Tuesdays - Thursdays.
Please call the office for an appointment with the pastor or the appropriate staff member, or with any questions or needs.


To watch our 4:30pm or 11:00am Masses on Facebook click here.

*** Please note that these Masses can be watched at anytime by clicking the above link.


Men’s Lenten Breakfast  March 8, 2025 / 9:30AM  Notre Dame Multipurpose Room 
Speaker - Very Rev. David Foradori, EV
Looking for a way to get closer to God this Lenten season?   Do you need a little spiritual boost to help you prepare? Fr. David Foradori, campus minister at Grove City College, pastor of Beloved Disciple Church in Grove City, and Vicar for the south-west corner of the Diocese of Erie will be our guest speaker.  Fr. David promises spiritual contemplation, good food, and even better camaraderie among the men of our parish community. Register by calling the parish office at 724-981-5566.


Capture the Heart of our Community! Exciting news! We are in the process of creating a new pictorial directory for our church, and we need your beautiful smiles to make it complete. To bring this project to life, we are seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic individual to head up the organization and coordination of the pictorial directory. If you're interested in volunteering or have any questions, please contact Mikey at the church office, 724-748-6700. Also, any ideas on scheduling, let me know. Together let's create something special that we can all treasure for years to come!

Little Disciples News:  Little Disciples Preschool and Prekindergarten will be accepting registrations for the 2025-2026 school year beginning February 3rd.  An application can be found and printed from the Little Disciples Preschool page on this website or from Little Disciples Preschool | Beloved Disciple Parish:  For further information contact Lorie at 724-748-6868. 

Faith Formation Schedule: 

Sunday, February 16th: K-5th Grades: 9:15am  
              Confirmation: 9th Grade  6-8pm      Library 
Wednesday, February 19th: 6th—8th Grades: EDGE 6-                 8pm

Adult Ed: 
Tuesday, February 18th:  5:30pm Triple Classroom


Adult Faith: Old Testament Prophets: Tuesday, February 18th at 5:30pm, we will review who the Old Testament Prophets were and how they impact us in our Faith Journey.  Dinner is served at 5:30pm in the Faith Formation building. We start the "Learning" session at 6pm via video, lecture and activities.  We will meet two Tuesday's each month throughout the year. A lot of information and good food. Join us and all are welcome.

Order of Christian Initiation for Adult: All members of the Parish and those interested in learning more about the Catholic Chruch are invited to learn more about the Catholic Church, what we believe and why we believe. We will study the Liturgy, Tradition, Sacraments and other topic of interest for new members and those that would like to refresh their understanding of the Catholic Church.  The updated schedule through February is listed below; the complete schedule is listed below. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Deacon Owen in Parish Office at ext. 110.

16-Feb   9:30am   Library   Sacraments of Service
2-March 9:30am Library Prayer and Liturgical Year

VANCO Online Giving! We are excited to announce an important update to giving at Beloved Disciple! We value our church family and want to make sure everyone at Beloved Disciple is aware of this exciting new giving platform, which allows for simple, secure giving through a variety of ways, including mobile and online. This will replace our previous giving platform.  

Please use this link to set up your account and your recurring donation(s) in the new Vanco Online giving platform. VANCO ONLINE

Liturgical Schedule

Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday at 8 am
Thursday at 6 pm
First Saturdays at 8 am

Weekend Masses:
Saturday at 4:30 pm
Sunday at 11:00 am
St. Michael, Emlenton, PA Sunday at 9am
Holy Day Masses: As scheduled in the bulletin

Saturday from 3:30-4:15pm or by appointment

Fridays before first Saturdays after the 8 am Mass





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Upcoming Events

  • Vitalant Community Blood Drive at the Knights of Columbus Hall Monday, February 24 from 1-7 pm. 
  • The Kindred Spirit Thursday Morning Bible Study has resumed m1eeting at 10am in the Schleigh Library. PLEASE COME AND JOIN US. (Please enter through the Faith Formation Entrance.)
  • The Legion of Mary meets in the library every Monday at 7:00pm. Join us to see what we are about!
  • You are welcome to join the parshioners who meet every Tuesday at the church at 6:00pm to pray the rosary for our priests, our Church, our country, the unborn, those who are ill, souls in Purgatory and many other intentions. 

New to our Community? Join our Parish!

Welcome to our parish!  Please contact the parish office for an appointment to register or print a copy of the Parish Registration Form to fill out at home.  You can mail or deliver your completed form or place it in the collection basket.  If your printer permits, you may print it on both sides of the paper.  We hope you will become a part of our parish family!

Sacramental Preparation

For all Sacraments:  Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance, Marriage and Holy Orders, or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), please call the parish office for information and assistance.

Submit a Prayer Request


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