Faith and Family Since 1925


We, Beloved Disciple Parish, are called by our Baptism to worship God through liturgy and the sacraments to serve others by ministering to the community and to actively spread the Gospel.

  • Beloved Disciple Parish Mission Statement
  • 1310 S Center St. Ext., Grove City, PA  16127     Phone:  (724) 748-6700

Find us on Facebook at or click the Facebook icon at the top of the page.

Beloved Disciple Parish

Evening Prayer: Communal Evening Prayer began again this fall. If you are interested in joining other Parish members each Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7pm for online prayer, please contact Deacon Owen in the Parish Office at ext. 110. You have to have an email address so a message can be sent on how to connect to the Zoom session. So please call.   If you are already part of our Evening Prayer Community, I already have your email address. Please join us, all are welcome. It generally is only a 20-to-25-minute prayer session.

Inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Evening Prayer

Time and dates: Oct 14,16,17 at 7pm             

Log on to Zoom.

Meeting ID: 843 0443 3554 Passcode: 047254


Parish Book Club Update: Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 16 at 11am  in the Parish Library. Next month's selection is Churchill's Secret Messenger by Alan Hlad. A WW2 historical fiction about the Special Operations Executive and the role played in defeating the Nazis. It is at times thrilling and other times very poignant. All are welcome to purchase and join us at the Book Club meeting. Have a question, contact Deacon Owen in the Parish Office at ext. 110.

Parish Book Club Update:  Our next book is "All Good People Here" by Ashley Flowers. The book concerns a small town in the MidWest and asks the questions, What are your neighbors capable of when they think no one is watching? And everyone seems to be hiding something. Could the killer still be out there?  A mystery that looks interesting and calls us to think about judging people.  Our next meeting will be Wednesday November 14th at 11am in the Parish Library.  Please join us.  If you have questions or concerns contact Deacon Owen in the Parish Office at ext. 110.

You've Got Mail! Do you have a son/daughter that is off at school? We would love to send them notes of encouragement and let them know that their church family is thinking of them. Please provide Victoria Wagner with the student's name, email adddress and address by filling out the form in the bulletin and putting it in the collection basket. Receiving a card is always a great surprise!

Knights of Columbus: Donations for Cemetery/Property Fund: Please make your checks out to Beloved Disciple Church and PLEASE MARK ON THE NOTE OF THE CHECK, "Cemetery/ Property Fund" so it may go directly to the fund as you intended, and if you see our Grand Knight, you may mention that you have done so. Thank you and God Bless you! 

Survivors of Suicide Bereavement Support Group Are you grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide? Held the THIRD Tuesday of the month from 5pm-6pm in the Mercer Area Library, 110 E Venango St, Mercer, PA 16137. You must be at least 18 years old to attend. Facilitators are peers who have been trained to help those with a loss by suicide and want to help others cope with the loss of loved ones. For more information contact Anna at Mercer County Behavioral Health 724-662-1550 ext 190.

Please pray for our deceased parishioners

  • Frank L. Lapa, born February 2, 1948, died August 2, 2024
  • Frances E. Pretko, born September 27, 1931, died June 26, 2024
  • Sylvester K. Parenti, born October 2, 1930, died April 8, 2024

Liturgical Schedule

Daily Mass:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday at 8 am
Thursday at 6 pm
First Saturdays at 8 am

Weekend Masses:
Saturday at 4:30 pm
Sunday at 11:00 am

Saturday at 3:30 pm

Fridays before first Saturdays after the 8 am Mass


Office Hours

Our parish offices are open ONLY on Thursdays from 9am—4pm.
Otherwise, please call the office for an appointment with the pastor or the appropriate staff member, or with any questions or needs.

Morning Mass on Wednesday, October 16, will be celebrated at 7am rather than 8am. There will be no morning Mass on Friday, October 18.


To watch our 4:30 pm or 11:00 am Masses on Facebook click here.

*** Please note that these Masses can be watched at anytime by clicking the above link.

Faith Formation Schedule: 
Sunday, October 20th: K-5th at 9:15am
 9th from 6-8pm in the Library 
Wednesday, October 23rd: 6th, 7th & 8th– EDGE from
 6-8pm in the Knights Hall 
Sunday, November 3rd: K-5th; 9:15am
 9th; 6-8pm in the Library 
Wednesday, November 6th: 6th, 7th & 8th– EDGE from 6-8 in the Knights Hall 

Adult Faith Formation: There are various opportunities to update your Adult Faith Formation this year. Feel free to join in as we keep our Catholic Faith informed. The following is a list of opportunities available to all adults of the Parish:

Old Testament Prophets: Starting Tuesday October 8 at 5:30pm, we will review who the Old Testament Prophets were and how they impact us in our Faith Journey. Dinner is served  at 5:30pm in the Faith Formation building. We start the "Learning" session at 6:00pm via  video, lecture and activities. We will meet two Tuesdays each month throughout the year. A lot of information and good food. Join us and all are welcome.

Adult Catechism: We will meet once a month on Sunday mornings starting October 13 at 9:30am, in the Faith Formation wing, to discuss various sections of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. If you have a copy, please bring with you. You pick the topics and we will "break open" the CCC read and discuss. It's great Faith Formation, plus thought provoking. Join us.

Order of Christian Initiation for Adult: All members of the Parish and those interested in learning more about the Catholic Chruch are invited to learn more about the Catholic Church, what we believe and why we believe. We will study the Liturgy, Tradition, Sacraments and other topic of interest for new members and those that would like to refresh their understanding of the Catholic Church.  The first session is Sunday Oct. 6 at 9:30am in the Parish Library. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Deacon Owen in Parish Office at ext. 110.

Engagement Encounter: Give your loved ones the gift of Engagement Encounter: What better way to show your support of an upcoming marriage than with a gift that lasts a lifetime: Engagement Encounter. The next EE will be held at St. Mark Catholic Center, Erie on January 17-19, 2025. Space is limited and early registrations are encouraged. Call the Family Life Office at 814-824-1261 or email Visit for more details and to register. Remember, “A wedding is one day, but marriage is for a lifetime.”

A Message from Bishop Persico 
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, 
 In 2024, World Mission Sunday will be celebrated on the weekend of October 19-20. Donations collected at these worldwide Masses go entirely to support churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in countries where the Church is new, young or poor. World Mission Sunday supports over 1,150 mission territories specifically in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Pacific Islands, and the Middle East. In the 1800’s, it was the Catholic Church in the United States that benefitted from this collection. Now is our chance to give back. 
 This year’s theme is: “Go and invite everyone to the banquet.” (cf. Mt 22:9). This message, rooted in the parable of the wedding banquet, calls us to a renewed sense of our missionary responsibility. Pope Francis emphasizes the call to every Christian to bear witness to Christ, to participate in a mission of universal evangelization, and to seek strength and guidance from the Holy Spirit. As we prepare for World Mission Sunday, may we be inspired by the words of Pope Francis. Let us pray that the Lord may help us to be a more missionary Church, reaching out to every corner of the earth with His message of love and salvation. 
 With gratitude for your generosity, and with prayers for a fruitful celebration of World Mission Sunday, I remain 
Sincerely yours in Christ, 
+Lawrence T. Persico 
The Most Reverend Lawrence T. Persico, JCL Bishop of Erie

VANCO Online Giving! We are excited to announce an important update to giving at Beloved Disciple! We value our church family and want to make sure everyone at Beloved Disciple is aware of this exciting new giving platform, which allows for simple, secure giving through a variety of ways, including mobile and online. This will replace our previous giving platform.  

Please use this link to set up your account and your recurring donation(s) in the new Vanco Online giving platform. VANCO ONLINE




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Upcoming Events

  • Community Blood Drive at the Knights of Columbus Hall Monday, October 28 from 1— 7pm.
  • The Kindred Spirit Thursday Morning Bible Study has resumed meeting at 10am in the Schleigh Library. PLEASE COME AND JOIN US. (Please enter through the Faith Formation Entrance.)
  • The Legion of Mary meets in the library every Monday at 7:00pm. Join us to see what we are about!
  • You are welcome to join the parshioners who meet every Tuesday at the church at 6:00pm to pray the rosary for our priests, our Church, our country, the unborn, those who are ill, souls in Purgatory and many other intentions. 

New to our Community? Join our Parish!

Welcome to our parish!  Please contact the parish office for an appointment to register or print a copy of the Parish Registration Form to fill out at home.  You can mail or deliver your completed form or place it in the collection basket.  If your printer permits, you may print it on both sides of the paper.  We hope you will become a part of our parish family!

Sacramental Preparation

For all Sacraments:  Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance, Marriage and Holy Orders, or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), please call the parish office for information and assistance.

Submit a Prayer Request


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