Faith and Family Since 1925


We, Beloved Disciple Parish, are called by our Baptism to worship God through liturgy and the sacraments, to serve others by ministering to the community, and to actively spread the Gospel.

  • Beloved Disciple Parish Mission Statement
  • 1310 S  St. Ext., Grove City, PA  16127     Phone:  (724) 748-6700

Find us on Facebook at or click on the facebook icon at the top of the page.

Beloved Disciple Parish

Parish Evening Prayer: Join us 3 days a week for Evening Prayer. If you're not sure how to connect to this ON Line, please contact Deacon Owen in the Parish Office at ext. 110. Join other Parishioners as we pray together in this New and Holy Year.

Inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Mar 31, April 2 and 3 at 7pm

Meeting ID: 824 1534 5180     Passcode: 173092

Seminary Discernment Weekend: Considering the Priesthood? Young men in high school, college or beyond who are open to exploring the call to priesthood are invited to a Seminary Discernment Retreat over Palm Sunday weekend, April 12-13, at St. Mark Seminary, 429 E. Grandview Blvd., Erie. This retreat offers a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of seminary life, discernment and the priesthood in a supportive and prayerful environment. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. To participate, contact Fr. Scott Jabo, Vocation Director, at 814-824-1198 or

Hospitality Notice:  Door Greeters Wanted:  Ed and Vivian Hartle, the door greeters at the 11am Mass. If anyone is interested in sharing your smile and maybe a handshake with our parish family and would like to be a greeter at 4:30pm or 11am Masses,  we would love to have your help! Please call us at 724-458-7239 or 724-922-2597 if you're interested.  Thank You and God Bless.

Food Pantry Notice: Each month we will focus on specific items that the food pantry is in need of. For the month of March, items needed are; Laundry detergent, dish soap, toilet paper, and sponges. Please place items in the wicker trunk by the front doors.


Register Here


  Lenten Friday Fish Fries

Sponsored by Grove City Knights of Columbus – Council #3658 
Knights of Columbus Hall – 1342 S. Center St. Ext. (Route 208) Grove City, PA                                     
Fridays During Lent from 4:00pm to 6:30pm 
March 28, April 4, 11, 18  (We are serving on Good Friday!)         
All You Can Eat Fried Fish or One Piece of Baked Fish 
Meal includes: Mac and Cheese or Herbed New Potatoes, Green Beans, Apple Sauce, Salad or Coleslaw, Bread and Butter, Dessert and Beverage 
Adult: $13, Child (5-10): $6, Under 5: Free (Cash or Check Only)  

Eat In or Take Out


We need a diaper drive! 
New Beginnings, a branch of the Promise of Life Network is in need of diapers, all sizes but 
especially size 1, 4 and 5. The New Beginnings store in Mercer currently serves 45 parents from the entire area. They assist struggling parents by providing diapers, wipes, clothes and other baby items. The parents earn Mommy or Daddy dollars by viewing parenting videos, donating used clothes, and attending church services. The Mommy or Daddy dollars are then used to "purchase" items. Thank you for your support for this prolife group

Please pray for our deceased parishioners

  • Edith M. Bell, born November 22, 1923, died January 31, 2025
  • James Snyder, born April 23, 1942, died January 21, 2025
  • Helen M. Driscoll Freeman, born December 4, 1932, died November 7, 2024
  • Helena M. Valenza, born July 30, 1933, died October 26, 2024

Liturgical Schedule

Stations of the Cross - 7pm on Fridays, except Good Friday, in Lent at Beloved Disciple, 7pm on Wednesdays at St. Michael.

Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday at 8 am
Thursday at 6 pm
First Saturdays at 8 am

Weekend Masses:
Saturday at 4:30 pm
Sunday at 11:00 am
St. Michael, Emlenton, PA Sunday at 9am
Holy Day Masses: As scheduled in the bulletin

Saturday from 3:30-4:15pm or by appointment

Fridays before first Saturdays after the 8 am Mass

Office Hours

Our parish offices are open Tuesdays - Thursdays.
Please call the office for an appointment with the pastor or the appropriate staff member, or with any questions or needs.

Stations of the Cross - 7pm on Fridays, except Good Friday, in Lent at Beloved Disciple, 7pm on Wednesdays at St. Michael.


To watch our 4:30pm or 11:00am Masses on Facebook click here.

*** Please note that these Masses can be watched at anytime by clicking the above link.


Lenten Penance Services

Wednesday, April 2 / 6:30pm Good Shepherd 
Sunday, April 6 / 2pm Notre Dame
Thursday, April 10 / 6:30pm St. Joseph 
Thursday, April 10 / 6:30pm Epiphany of the Lord 
Fridays of Lent / 6pm-7pm Immaculate Heart 
Sundays of Lent / After 10:30am Mass Our Lady                    Queen of the Americas 
Saturdays of Lent / 3:15pm St. Philip

Theses times are in addition to the regular scheduled times. Check your parish bulletin for more information and other times.

Lenten Practices: ASH WEDNESDAY, ALL FRIDAYS IN LENT, and GOOD FRIDAY are days of abstinence from eating meat for those 14 years of age and older. 
ASH WEDNESDAY AND GOOD FRIDAY are also days of fasting for those ages 18 to 58 inclusive. (On these days, those bound by the law of fasting may take one full meal. Two smaller meals, sufficient to maintain strength according to one’s needs, are also permitted. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids including milk and fruit juices are allowed.  When health or work is seriously affected, the law does not oblige.) 

Liturgical Décor News:  Get Ready to Transform! 
Our liturgical team is excited to announce the schedule for our upcoming decorating days  for Easter!  Join us as we spruce up the space and bring our creative visions to life.  Whether  you're an expert decorator or simply looking to lend a helping hand, we’d love for you to be part of the process. Together, we’ll create something extraordinary. Thank you for your  enthusiasm and support! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or ideas to share.  Who’s ready to decorate?  

For Palm Sunday:  Thursday, April 10 after 6pm Mass and  Saturday, April 12 at 11am   
For the Holy Triduum:  Wednesday, April 16 at 9am and Thursday, April 17 after Holy Thursday Mass 
For Easter Sunday:  Saturday, April 19 at 10am

Faith Formation Schedule: 

Sunday, March 30th: K-5th Grades 9:15am  
              Confirmation: 9th Grade 6 - 8pm  Library 
Wednesday,  April 2:  6th—8th Grades: EDGE  6 - 8pm

Saturday, March 29th, First Reconciliation Retreat                      9:30am—12:30pm  (2nd Grade)             

Wednesday, April 2nd & 23rd: 6th - 8th Grades: EDGE                  6 - 8pm

Sunday, April 13th & April 27th: K-5th Grades: 9:15am                 Confirmation: 9th Grade 6 - 8pm Library    

Saturday, April 5   2nd grade First Reconciliation at                        11am Mass

Adult Ed: 
Tuesday, April 8th and 22nd: 5:30pm Triple                                     Classroom

Adult Faith: Old Testament Prophets: Tuesday, April 8th at 5:30pm, we will review who the Old Testament Prophets were and how they impact us in our Faith Journey.  Dinner is served at 5:30pm in the Faith Formation building. We start the "Learning" session at 6pm via video, lecture and activities.  We will meet two Tuesday's each month throughout the year. A lot of information and good food. Join us and all are welcome.

Order of Christian Initiation for Adult: All members of the Parish and those interested in learning more about the Catholic Chruch are invited to learn more about the Catholic Church, what we believe and why we believe. We will study the Liturgy, Tradition, Sacraments and other topic of interest for new members and those that would like to refresh their understanding of the Catholic Church.  The updated schedule through February is listed below; the complete schedule is listed below. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Deacon Owen in Parish Office at ext. 110.

6-April 9:30am Library Catholic Topics
13-April 9:30am Library Easter Vigil Prep

VANCO Online Giving! We are excited to announce an important update to giving at Beloved Disciple! We value our church family and want to make sure everyone at Beloved Disciple is aware of this exciting new giving platform, which allows for simple, secure giving through a variety of ways, including mobile and online. This will replace our previous giving platform.  

Please use this link to set up your account and your recurring donation(s) in the new Vanco Online giving platform. VANCO ONLINE





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Upcoming Events

  • Vitalant Community Blood Drive at the Knights of Columbus Hall Monday, March 31 from 1pm — 6:30pm.
  • The Kindred Spirit Thursday Morning Bible Study has resumed m1eeting at 10am in the Schleigh Library. PLEASE COME AND JOIN US. (Please enter through the Faith Formation Entrance.)
  • The Legion of Mary meets in the library every Monday at 7pm. Join us to see what we are about!
  • Many members of our parish meet every Tuesday at 6pm at the church to pray the Holy Rosary! Please join us! No strings attached, just blessings! 

New to our Community? Join our Parish!

Welcome to our parish!  Please contact the parish office for an appointment to register or print a copy of the Parish Registration Form to fill out at home.  You can mail or deliver your completed form or place it in the collection basket.  If your printer permits, you may print it on both sides of the paper.  We hope you will become a part of our parish family!

Sacramental Preparation

For all Sacraments:  Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Penance, Marriage and Holy Orders, or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), please call the parish office for information and assistance.

Submit a Prayer Request


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